14th Birthday Photo Session {Fontana Family Photographer}

Friday, March 28, 2014

As I prepare to plan my daughter's 15th birthday bash, I can't get over how fast time has flown by.  I am so proud of her.  She is growing into such a special young woman.  Knowing she loves God and is committed to living for Him gives me such overwhelming joy.  I can't wait to show you images of her XV birthday shoot soon :)

A Day In Downtown Los Angeles {Los Angeles Photography}

Thursday, March 27, 2014

At the beginning of the year I was finally able to do something I had been wanting to do for the longest time. Having been born and raised in Los Angeles, I was familiar with Downtown, but had never really taken the time to explore, especially with a camera.  So, I planned a family day in Downtown. This way the kids got to know LA (since they pretty much have grown up in the IE), and I got to explore and photograph the areas of LA that I just usually drive by.

It was a super fun day.  We walked and walked and walked some more...lol.  It was exciting to see the good things happening in my very own LA.  I still have more exploring to do, but this sure was a great start.  I am looking forward to doing some photo shoots there pretty soon.

I decided to process these shots in black and white.  It gives them a more classic and moody feel.  I have many more to share, but I'll start off with these.  :)

A Look Into The "R's" Family Session {Rosemead Family Photographer}

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

My beautiful cousin has such a sweet family.  I was super excited to document these moments for her. Enjoy :)

Old Town Sacramento Family Session {Sacramento Family Photographer

Thursday, March 13, 2014

It was a lovely cloudy day when I met up with my lovely cousin Joanna and her family.  I don't get to see them very often since we live so many miles apart, and it's so sweet to see her baby Jaden growing up to be such a handsome boy :)  He loves trains, so this was the perfect location, although he just wanted to run on the train tracks..lol.

Miss A is 12 {San Dimas Family Photographer}

Friday, March 7, 2014

This young lady is very near and dear to my heart.  I've known her a few years now, and I've watched her blossom and grow both in stature and in her love for the Lord.  She is beautiful inside and out.