A Day In Downtown Los Angeles {Los Angeles Photography}

Thursday, March 27, 2014

At the beginning of the year I was finally able to do something I had been wanting to do for the longest time. Having been born and raised in Los Angeles, I was familiar with Downtown, but had never really taken the time to explore, especially with a camera.  So, I planned a family day in Downtown. This way the kids got to know LA (since they pretty much have grown up in the IE), and I got to explore and photograph the areas of LA that I just usually drive by.

It was a super fun day.  We walked and walked and walked some more...lol.  It was exciting to see the good things happening in my very own LA.  I still have more exploring to do, but this sure was a great start.  I am looking forward to doing some photo shoots there pretty soon.

I decided to process these shots in black and white.  It gives them a more classic and moody feel.  I have many more to share, but I'll start off with these.  :)

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